Sex Addiction Support Group for Men

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. 
– Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

What to Expect in Group Counseling

Imagine walking into a tight circle of allies – a group of like-minded people who are ready to battle with you and for you on your mission for recovery. Group counseling gives you a strong band of brothers who will journey with you during times when you need support the most. In group counseling, you are never alone; you will find strength and tools you need along with expert guidance for finding real freedom and healing.

The Benefit of Gathering Together

One of the best things about Christian group counseling is freedom from isolation. Knowing others struggle as you do, and coming together as a tight-knit support group can really enhance and speed your recovery process.

More benefits of group counseling for sex addiction include:

New perspectives – Though your experience might be similar to others, each person has their own story and with that comes unique perspectives and tools for healing. One of the great things about group counseling is it offers you fresh perspectives, often creating a snowball effect of positive ideas and change for you and the group.

Discovering connection with others – Sex addiction often stems from, and also causes, a serious lack of intimate, fully-connected relationships with romantic partners, family, and friends. Group counseling helps form new relationships and gives you tools for strengthening the bonds you have with loved ones in your life.

A place to be heard – Secrecy is a common struggle for those with sex addiction. Having a safe place to get everything in the open can be a huge relief while also speeding your recovery.

Lasting support – Group counseling can help you from lasting friendships that help you during tough times so that you can continue to grow and stay sober.

What Happens in Group Counseling?

Before your first group session, you will meet with the me to talk about your reasons for therapy and what you can expect.  Sexual addiction recovery groups draw from various approaches to offer well-rounded healing that works for everyone in the group.  Together you will gain tools for dealing with temptations, learn control over unhealthy thought patterns, get support for preventing relapse, form healthy habits, build meaningful relationships, and work towards a more connected relationship with Christ Jesus.

Confidentiality in Group Counseling Sessions

You will never be forced to share anything that makes you too uncomfortable, but everyone in the group is encouraged to speak freely. Each group member is asked to respect the privacy of the group, and I will work to create a safe, confidential environment where each person feels supported and respected.

To learn more about the Sex Addiction Support Group give me a call at (804) 302-0336 

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