Christian Counseling for Depression

I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly. – John 10:10b

Do you feel down and discouraged, hopeless, and find it difficult to fully engage in life?  Are you struggling to get out of bed, and find energy for everyday tasks?  Is your sleep disrupted or excessive, does your body feel lethargic, or maybe you are having unexplainable headaches, or stomach pain.  Is your mind constantly berating and criticizing your or others with negative thoughts.  Feeling sad is normal, but when you can’t seem to pull yourself back up, you might be struggling with depression.

The Lord heals the brokenhearted and offers peace in times of trouble. But, when dealing with depression, feelings of hopelessness can overshadow your faith. If you feel stuck in darkness and are tired of living a life that lacks real meaning and connection with others and with God, Christian counseling for depression can help.

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ. – Galatians 6:2

The above scripture is what I strive to embody as a Christian counselor. I understand the burden of depression, having experienced it myself.  I will walk with you exactly as you are and to let you know that it’s okay to feel what you’re feeling – and to offer hope for relief and healing. While working at your own pace, we will look for ways to bring you out of the darkness, so you can seek the light of Christ in your own time and your own way. We all experience life differently. That includes or struggles as well as our faith. As a Christian counselor, your unique story, needs, and beliefs are always supported and encouraged.

Are your ready to build a new life, I can help. To schedule a free phone consultation give me a call at804-302-0336 or request an appointment online.

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